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winner 21

Our World Book Day giveaway has a winner!

What do The Casual Vacancy, Room on the Broom, and Darwinia have in common? Apart from being books, that is. They're all being read by people who entered our World Book Day giveaway. And what's special about The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau? That's being read by Neil Corman, who's our official prize winner! No, the winner wasn't selected on his book choice. I plugged all of the entrants' names into Random Thing Picker and it picked one for me.

Congratulations Neil! If you drop me an email with your details, I can arrange for a super-special pre-publication copy of Social Photography to be dispatched to you post-haste. And thank you to everyone who entered and to the Ilex Press for providing the prize. I do enjoy these little treats!

Congratulations to November's competition winner!

November's competition theme was wood. You presented us with so many wonderful images that we had a lot of fun looking for a winner. This month's prize, however, goes to Flickr used ludovi for his image Wounded Tree.

Wounded Tree

I was immediately drawn to the gorgeous variations in colour in this image. On top of that, it's technically great. We're very happy to award it a 12" Fracture.

There's an honourable mention, too, for Phil Walton and his Just Missed Bonfire Night. It's a fun twist on the theme, with great lighting, that made us laugh. Well done!

Just Missed Bonfire Night

Congratulations, and thanks everyone for entering. If you feel like having a go this month, December's competition is up-and-running.

Our musically themed photo contest has a winner!

Congratulations to Bruno!

For November's competition, we were looking for musically themed photos. The theme was a slight departure from the norm, but a change can be as good as a rest. Anyway, after careful consideration of the entries (a process that can involve a lengthy exchange of emails), Haje and I settled on the gorgeous entry by Bruno as our winner.

Many congratulations Bruno! You've just won yourself a 12" Fracture. (And for those of you who've not checked out Fracture for your prints, you really should!)

Details of December's competition will be going up pretty soon!

August Photo Competition Winner!


It seems that our usual competition judges Daniela “Editor Extraordinaire” Bowker and Haje “International Man of Mystery” Jan Kamps have gone AWOL, leaving I, Gareth “Owns A Camera, Likes Faces” Dutton to judge August’s photo competition. After Daniela made no less than ten posts announcing ten cameras over two days on Small Aperture, she began to think her hands were small, affordable yet robust compacts with in-camera effects options. I asked her if she’d like to judge this month’s photo competition but I couldn’t get any sense out of her whatsoever: I just left her there poking the palm of her right hand, muttering “how do you turn the flash off?”. As for Haje, he’s almost definitely off doing something cool and brilliant in a place I’ve never been to – I bet he’s photographing a magic bear whilst whizzing down a zipline made of singing gold thread in El Salvador. Sorry? Get on with what, exactly? Oh the competition, right.

This month’s theme was “texture” and we had some great shots to choose from. The entire experience was, quite frankly, texturific. We eventually pared it down to a handful and then agreed upon a winner:

Bark by Herve Sliwa

Congratulations to Herve Sliwa on winning our August photo comp – be sure to get in touch with Daniela to claim your prize! We also felt an honourable mention should go to J.C Chang for his entry:

Mud Curls by J.C Chang

Thanks for the entry J.C and thanks to everyone for their contributions. If you didn’t quite make it this time, never fear – keep trying and submit another pic for our September competition which will be announced in a week’s time. The harder you try, the better you’ll get!

July photo competition winner!

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Ooh we have sunshine in London! And it’s not just sunshine, it’s actually verging on the warm. So help yourself to a sherbet, or a glass of Pimm’s if you’re that way inclined, as we have a competition winner to announce. July’s theme was red in honour of my new dress (although it could quite equally be the thermometer right now) and the lovely guys at Fracture have supplied the prize. There were some cracking entries and we had a bit of a ding-dong when settling on the winner. But we got there.

Bubble, by Ivo Vuk

Many congratulations to Ivo for his picture ‘Bubble’. Get in touch, and we’ll sort out your prize for you.

And, seeing as it’s our competition and everything, and thought that we’d give an honourable mention, too. That goes to Vereesh for Gimme-Red.

Gimme-Red by Vereesh

Thank you for your gorgeous entries. We really do enjoy seeing what you come up with every month. August’s competition will be announced soon!

June photo competition winner!

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We picked water as our photo theme for June. It seemed somehow appropriate, what with large swathes of the UK being told that they were in drought conditions and then hours of play at Wimbledon being lost to rain delays. You did the theme proud, though, submitting some gorgeous photos for us to ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at whilst we tried to settle on a winner. We managed to pick one, though; it’s amazing what you can do with one pin, one girl, and one water balloon…

Dainty Rasengan, by Lindsay Stott

Many congratulations to Lindsay Stott for this perfectly captured moment. We were very impressed! Do get in touch so that you can claim your fabulous prize from the dudes at Fracture.

Thank you to everyone who entered. We really enjoyed selecting a winner this month and we’re looking forward to seeing what you come up with in July!

May photo competition winner!

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Last month we asked for pictures of insects, and you treated us to some absolute crackers. Thank you, everyone. However, for the first time in the… ooh… [counts on her fingers]… nine months that we’ve been running a monthly photo competition, we both settled on a single picture, immediately. In fact, when I laid eyes on it, it took my breath away. I really was that impressed. So without further ado, I present the winner of Small Aperture’s May photo competition:

Guêpe sur cimicifuga (1), by Luc Marc

Many congratulations to Luc Marc! Do get in touch with me and I shall organise for you to claim your awesome prize from the wonderful people at Fracture.

June’s competition details will be winging their way to you soon!

February photo competition winner!

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Last month, being February and February having Valentine’s Day smack in the middle of it, for our competition we set you the task of photographing your camera kit to show us just how much you love it. The awesome dudes at Fracture even offered to supply a prize! Some of you really took this to heart (snigger) and this really made us smile. Thank you to everyone who entered. After a bit of umming and ahhing, Haje and I are delighted to announce the winner…

Canon Love, by James Emery

Congratulations, James! We loved the partial desaturation and the use of mirrors. Get in touch, and we’ll arrange for a prize for you!

Well done and thanks to everyone who entered. We’ve a great theme lined up for March. We can’t wait to see your entries.