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prize winner

Our World Book Day giveaway has a winner!

What do The Casual Vacancy, Room on the Broom, and Darwinia have in common? Apart from being books, that is. They're all being read by people who entered our World Book Day giveaway. And what's special about The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau? That's being read by Neil Corman, who's our official prize winner! No, the winner wasn't selected on his book choice. I plugged all of the entrants' names into Random Thing Picker and it picked one for me.

Congratulations Neil! If you drop me an email with your details, I can arrange for a super-special pre-publication copy of Social Photography to be dispatched to you post-haste. And thank you to everyone who entered and to the Ilex Press for providing the prize. I do enjoy these little treats!