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wish list

How do you time-lapse?


So, I’ve been thinking about doing a cool little project where I’m building a way of adding time-lapse to any camera – and have been wondering if perhaps I should be offering the final product as a commercial product that you can buy.

To make this a reality, I’d love to hear a little bit about the solutions you’re currently using – and what you like and dislike about it. With a bit of luck, I should be able to come up with something (gasp) better – at a lower price, too!

If you’re interested in telling me what you are currently using – or if you would just like to add a wish-list of stuff you wish a timelapse timer could do, please do me a favour and fill in the survey!

Awesome, thank you.

~ Haje

Photographers' most wanted


According to a survey conducted by the insurance company Photoguard (which specialises in insurance for photographers, unsurprisingly, and insurance for musicians, golfers, and cyclists, slightly more surprisingly), the most desired portrait subject of the 600 amateur and professional photographers whom they asked, is …drumroll please…

HM The Queen.

Yep. The Queen. Not Cheryl Cole (who seems to be everywhere at the moment) or Kate Moss. They came seventh and ninth respectively.

Perhaps more interestingly, it was Sir David Attenborough who came second, followed by Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, and Lady Gaga.

Who’d be top of your subject wish-list?

(Headsup to Amateur Photographer.)