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Photographers' most wanted


According to a survey conducted by the insurance company Photoguard (which specialises in insurance for photographers, unsurprisingly, and insurance for musicians, golfers, and cyclists, slightly more surprisingly), the most desired portrait subject of the 600 amateur and professional photographers whom they asked, is …drumroll please…

HM The Queen.

Yep. The Queen. Not Cheryl Cole (who seems to be everywhere at the moment) or Kate Moss. They came seventh and ninth respectively.

Perhaps more interestingly, it was Sir David Attenborough who came second, followed by Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, and Lady Gaga.

Who’d be top of your subject wish-list?

(Headsup to Amateur Photographer.)

Nikon offers a leg-up to budding photographers

Nikon logo

Breaking into a creative market professionally can be utterly soul-destroying. I’m sure that the bitter tears of frustration shed by budding actors, artists, musicians, photographers, and writers could sink a fleet of battleships. (My family has probably contributed more than its fair share; we’re a mixture of actors, musicians, photographers, and writers.) Over at Nikon, though, they’re trying to ease the course for at least one up-and-coming photographer.

They’ve just launched the Nikon Foundation. Through something that seems to be part-competition and part-interview, they’re offering a three month paid assistantship to fashion photographer John Wright. If you’re in your final year of a photography-based course at a UK or Ireland higher education establishment, you’re eligible to enter.

You’ll need to submit a portfolio of between five and 12 images and tell the judging panel in a letter of 500 words why you’re the best person for the job. Get it right, and you’ll have a three month paid assistantship and £4,000-worth of Nikon equipment as your prize.

What are you waiting for? Hurry over to the Nikon Foundation website right now!