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Nikon offers a leg-up to budding photographers

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Breaking into a creative market professionally can be utterly soul-destroying. I’m sure that the bitter tears of frustration shed by budding actors, artists, musicians, photographers, and writers could sink a fleet of battleships. (My family has probably contributed more than its fair share; we’re a mixture of actors, musicians, photographers, and writers.) Over at Nikon, though, they’re trying to ease the course for at least one up-and-coming photographer.

They’ve just launched the Nikon Foundation. Through something that seems to be part-competition and part-interview, they’re offering a three month paid assistantship to fashion photographer John Wright. If you’re in your final year of a photography-based course at a UK or Ireland higher education establishment, you’re eligible to enter.

You’ll need to submit a portfolio of between five and 12 images and tell the judging panel in a letter of 500 words why you’re the best person for the job. Get it right, and you’ll have a three month paid assistantship and £4,000-worth of Nikon equipment as your prize.

What are you waiting for? Hurry over to the Nikon Foundation website right now!