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Winners of Street Photography Now

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In October 2010, the Photographers’ Gallery and the authors of Street photography Now, Sophie Howarth and Stephen McLaren, launched a 52 week street photography project. The idea behind it was to get photographers from across the world back on the street and documenting life around them. Each week there was a challenge and photos were submitted to a Flickr pool. Although it wasn’t intended to be a competition, the two people who were deemed to have made the biggest contribution to the project have just been awarded with £500 of Thames and Hudson books. And they were…

Jo Paul Wallace and Jack Simon

B side #20

Week 20 (Slow down, the next picture may be very quiet and close), B-side, by Jo Paul Wallace


Week 48 (Things are what they seem to be, or maybe something else), by Jack Simon

Congratulations both. In addition to their piles of books, both have dedicated galleries of their contributions on the Street Photography Now project website. You can take a look at Jo Paul Wallace’s here and Jack Simon’s here.

Story magazine launches across London. And online.

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Just when we thought that print-based media was in its death-throes, two brave photographers – Sophie Allen and Richard Doran – have launched a brand new visual art, culture, and photography magazine. What’s more, it’s available for free. Yep. Really. It’s called Story. If you’re around London, you can pick up a print copy in a selection of bookshops, galleries, and cafes. Otherwise, there’s an online version awaiting your delectation.

Published quarterly, all the articles in every edition are linked together through a theme, however tenuous it might be. The idea is that each article forms a part of a narrative, making the edition into a story. Clever, that. (Although my mind does keep flitting back to the Alan Ayckbourn play Confusions, which is actually four short, tenuously linked plays.)

This quarter’s edition includes a debate about technology versus the medium, with Polaroid photographer Rhiannon Adam; a 24 hour picture project by five artists from different cities across the world, using disposable cameras; and a gallery of contributed art with the theme ‘manipulation’, amongst other stuff.

If you can’t pick up your London print copy, take a look online at