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Story magazine launches across London. And online.

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Just when we thought that print-based media was in its death-throes, two brave photographers – Sophie Allen and Richard Doran – have launched a brand new visual art, culture, and photography magazine. What’s more, it’s available for free. Yep. Really. It’s called Story. If you’re around London, you can pick up a print copy in a selection of bookshops, galleries, and cafes. Otherwise, there’s an online version awaiting your delectation.

Published quarterly, all the articles in every edition are linked together through a theme, however tenuous it might be. The idea is that each article forms a part of a narrative, making the edition into a story. Clever, that. (Although my mind does keep flitting back to the Alan Ayckbourn play Confusions, which is actually four short, tenuously linked plays.)

This quarter’s edition includes a debate about technology versus the medium, with Polaroid photographer Rhiannon Adam; a 24 hour picture project by five artists from different cities across the world, using disposable cameras; and a gallery of contributed art with the theme ‘manipulation’, amongst other stuff.

If you can’t pick up your London print copy, take a look online at