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Get to know CS 5.5 better, for free

Adobe CS 5.5

The dudes at Adobe are offering a one-off workshop-come-seminar-come-learning event to get to know Creative Suite 5.5 that bit better. Guess what? It’s free. If you already use CS3 or CS4 and are thinking of upgrading, they reckon that it’ll be especially useful for you. You’ll get to see the new features in CS5.5, as well as learn lots of tips and tricks to make the most out of it.

The plan is for Team Adobe (or at least members of it) to show off some of CS5.5′s groovy new features. How about the content-aware fill in Photoshop or the bristle brush and beautiful strokes from Illustrator? Maybe you’re more of a web-design person, in which case you’ll be introduced to the new-fangled HTML5/CSS3 support and jQuery Mobile/PhoneGap integration, as well as being able to preview designs for desktop, tablet, and smartphone browsers alongside each other.

There are also fancy new tools that work in conjunction with the Digital Publishing Suite. Interactive publications here you come!

Fancy going? It’s at the Vue Cinema, Fulham on 11 May, from 09:00 to 16:00. Tickets are free, but space is limited. Head over to the Adobe events page to register.