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December photo competition winner!

Champagne copy

Christmas might’ve been and gone, and New Year possibly passed in a haze, but there is yet more celebrating to be done as we announce the winner of our December photo competition. Throughout December, we were looking for a portrait that made us go ‘Ooh!’ You rose to the challenge admirably, and as the entries began to roll in, we began to wonder how we would ever choose a winner.

I’m not sure that either of us has recovered yet from the exertion that was required in judging. There was a lot of uhm-ing, ahh-ing, and ooh-ing. We did, however, manage to select a winning photograph.

Untitled, by Patrick Lecuyer

Many congratulations! It was the eyes that did it for me. Please do get in touch with me Patrick so that I can arrange delivery of your prize.

Please do take a look at all the entries, which are here, and we look forward to lots of entries in January’s competition, which we’ll announce shortly.