Which camera is this? — Photocritic Photo School

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Which camera is this?


Update: This was an April’s fools’ joke in collaboration with DPReview. Sorry, guys ;)

Just a quick one – I had a day off before starting my new job, so I was out go-karting with my dad yesterday (I won, hah), and we went for a bit of a touristic travel around London afterwards. Near London Bridge, I saw someone who was taking some photos. Nothing unusual there, I hear you say, but what caught my attention was the camera he was using – what IS that thing? 


I only managed to snap one useable photo:


whatis-02.jpgI like to think that I’m pretty decent at recognising cameras (I smile and nod whenever I meet anyone who carries a 40D, just like me, and I growl (only slightly) when someone’s looking smug, carrying a
top-end Nikon around), but this one is a bit of a mystery to me… It looks vaguely expensive, too.

The only dSLR camera I know of that has a swivel-screen like that is the Olympus E3 – which I reviewed for T3 magazine a few weeks back, so I know it quite well… And this is not it.

Do any of you recognise it? It’s driving me bloody bonkers!

Oh, since some of you e-mailed me to ask: This is the other picture I managed to snap – it doesn’t show the camera off as well, but perhaps it helps?


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