The Lensbaby lens — Photocritic Photo School

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The Lensbaby lens


lensbaby1.jpgWhy would you put a $100 lens on a $8,000 camera? Well, because even the professional photographers have to go back to their roots, and re-learn the passion of photography. The Lens Baby can help.  


I use the Lensbaby with my Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II. Of course, the logical first question is, “Why put a $100 lens on an $8,000 camera?” The only answer is that the Lensbaby offers a new frontier in creative freedom, fun, and challenge. With the soft accordion focusing collar, I can shift the area of sharp focus by shifting the lens in any direction. And, with each shift, surrounding areas are rendered with a soft blur or streaking.

Of course, similar effects can be created in Photoshop CS, but there is a huge difference in seeing the effect as you shoot versus adding the effect in the post-capture processing phase.

Read more about the Lens Baby over on Zuga, and once you’re convinced, check out the Lens Baby website for more information, and how and where to get one!

Do any of you have good experiences with the lens baby? Why not add your review – or a link to your review, if you’ve posted it elsewhere – below?

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