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The non-tecchie, hands-on photography workshop

Charlie, by Annabel Williams

Someone has coined it as ‘One man, one woman, no techy-twaddle, the photographic time of your life!’ It’s the Annabel Williams and Marko Nurminen two-day seminar that takes the tech out of taking pictures and focuses on creativity and people-skills. Rather than being stuck in front of your computer editing, or spending hours reading your camera’s manual, these two will have you taking pictures that really zing and remind you why you love taking photos.

The idea is to get the best out of your images by enjoying yourself, as well as learning just what makes portraits work. And it doesn’t matter what your level of experience is. If you’re just starting out with your new-fangled dSLR, start here.

There’s already been one workshop in London, which had the people who attended it buzzing: ‘Your non-technical way of teaching has actually taught me far more technically than when I took a ‘traditional’ (boring) course. Seeing how the settings you choose on your camera produce the images they do, has given me much more of an understanding of how it all works together.’

Does that make you feel as if you missed out? Why not sign yourself up for the Leeds version? I’ve heard a whisper that there are still a few places available.

It’s running on 12 and 13 July and costs £495 (+VAT) for both days. Numbers are limited to 28, and even then the group is split into two, so you’ll get plenty of attention, whether you’re working with Annabel on a shoot or Marko in the editing suite. The venue, the Round Foundry Media Centre, looks impressive, too, as well as having a canal and some derelict Egyptian-style architecture close by.

More details are available here.