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wednesday 13

Anything you'd like to know about Lightroom 3?

This is what happens when you play with vibrance and saturation

When I was writing our review of Lightroom 3, I realised that I was amassing a list as long as an elephant’s trunk of questions that I’d like to put to the team who developed it. You know: ‘What was your starting point?’ ‘What’s your favourite feature in the programme?’ ‘What snack-food sustained you when you were up against a deadline?’ All the important things about a piece of software. Lo and behold, when I asked them, the lovely people at Adobe said that I could put my bizarre and possibly mundane series of questions to Tom, who worked on Lightroom 3.

Now of course I’m slightly worried that my obsession with snack-foods and other banalities might drive the poor guy to distraction or the entire exercise will descend into a debate on the superiority of peanut M&Ms over chocolate ones. But I think I have a solution! If you’re the people reading the interview, what is it that you’d like to know? If there’s something about Lightroom that you’ve never been able to figure out or something you’ve always wanted to understand the theory behind, now’s your chance! Drop your question in a comment (before Wednesday 13 October), and I’ll do my best to put it to Tom.

I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to ask your specific question, but unless you ask, you’ll never know! Over to you…