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swings and roundabouts - selling and buying images online

Find images by subject, style, or artist/photographer

It’s a simple concept: a place where artists can display their work and people who might want to buy a photographic print, or an oil painting, or a watercolour, can, well, buy it. It’s called ArtistBe.Com (that’s artist become, of course) and it’s’s newest venture.

If you want to sell your photos, you can sign up for a free account, upload your images, and then assign them to the relevant galleries by subject – for example architecture, cuisine, or people – and also by style (abstract, Art Deco, pop art… ) so that buyers can find what they’re looking for. You get an individual gallery, too, with all your work in one place.

Find images by subject, style, or artist/photographer

If you’re selling an original piece, the buyer will communicate directly with you and you negotiate the deal and terms. That means you’ll be responsible for getting the piece to your buyer, but you won’t have to pay commission to; you get the entire fee.

Alternatively, you can also sell reproductions on canvas in a range of sizes. They vary in price; the cheapest I saw was around $30 and the most expensive almost $500. (Although doubtless there are more expensive ones, too.) The production and shipping of these is handled by, which removes that headache. But it does mean that you’d only take 15% of the sale. Swings and roundabouts, I suppose.

Sand Dunes Pattern by Harveys Art

It’s all new and shiny, so how well it is going to work remains to be seen. But having an easy-to-use venue to sell images can’t be that bad a start. Have a look for yourself at