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sports events

Finally a useful way to make money off events photography

Event photography is many things, but 'easy to make money off' isn't one of them, and it strikes me time and time again that the way most photographers do it, doesn't make much sense.

I recently went on a motocross day, for example; there was a pro photographer there, who sold his pictures on disc or as prints (he had a little colour laser printer set up in a trailer); it works, of course, and with the prices he was charging, I'm sure he was making a decent living, but it doesn't seem like a very efficient way of doing things.


The same thing goes for stuff like high-school sports events, junior-league sports, dance competitions, and more traditional event photography, like parties and weddings etc... The whole mechanic behind having to actually produce the photos and get them to your potential customers is, if you'll forgive my French, and absolute ball-ache.

Doubly incredible, there isn't much in the way of websites out there that make things any easier for you. There are a few companies that embrace event photography, but they make it really work-intensive to actually sell anything, which is yet another challenge.

I've long since given up finding a useful solution, and then someone pointed me to the startup Frozen Event - they just launched their service in beta, but holy dogs, is it head and shoulders above anything else I've seen in the field.

As a photographer, you can simply upload your photos to an event, and then users can browse through them, and buy the images they like.

It's bloody clever, and I reckon if you do events every now and again, it's well worth keeping an eye on 'em! There's a pretty decent blog as well, which seems to focus on events photography specifically.