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Annabel Williams hits the road


If you’re thinking of investing a little bit of time and some money in you and your photography this year – after all, you are the most important factor when it comes to taking photos, not your lenses or your camera – and in particular if you want to concentrate on portraits, you might be interested in the series of seminars and workshops that portrait photographer-extraordinaire Annabel Williams will be running this summer.

An evening seminar and a two-day workshop will each hit London, Birmingham, and Leeds in May, June, and July this year. Annabel, whose photography has won enough awards to sink a battleship, will be leading the evening seminars. She’ll concentrate on what it takes to become a successful photographer right now: how you work and what clients expect. The idea is to give you the confidence to make photography work for you.

Charlie, by Annabel Williams

The workshops are more practical. (Well, they are workshops.) One day you’ll get to work with Annabel, looking at how to design a shoot, how to cope with the weather and get the best out of the lighting, how to handle your models, and how to develop your own style. The other day you’ll be working with Marko Nurminem, who’s something of a digital imaging guru. Need some Photoshop and Lightroom guidance? He’ll help. How about advice on managing your workflow? Yep, he’s got that, too.

Really importantly, though, these courses have been designed no matter your level of experience. Whatever you do – or don’t know – it’s about getting the most out of you and your photos.

Jared, by Annabel Williams

Evening seminars cost £95+ VAT and have a maximum capacity of 100 attendees; the two-day workshops are £495+ VAT and are limited to 28 participants. You’ll get plenty of attention, then!


  • Tuesday 31 May, 18:00 to 21:00 – London evening seminar at Westbourne Studios, Notting Hill
  • Wednesday 1 to Thursday 2 June, 09:00 to 17:00 – London two-day workshop at Westbourne Studios, Notting Hill
  • Monday 20 June, 18:00 to 21:00 – Birmingham evening seminar at IET Birmingham, Austin Court
  • Tuesday 21 to Wednesday 22 June, 09:00 to 17:00 – Birmingham two-day workshop at IET Birmingham, Austin Court
  • Monday 11 July, 18:00 to 21:00 – Leeds evening seminar at The Round Foundry Media Centre
  • Tuesday 12 to Wednesday 13 July, 09:00 to 17:00 – Leeds two-day workshop, The Round Foundry Media Centre.

Want even more details? Head to the roadshow’s website.