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perfect excuse

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day


If you fancy having a go at a bit of lo-fi photography, you’ll have the perfect excuse over the Easter weekend. The last Sunday in April has been World Pinhole Photography Day since 2001 (at least, it has been according to and this year, seeing as it’s the Easter weekend, they’re turning it into a bit more of an extravaganza than normal. You get a whole weekend of pinhole-wonderfulness.

The basic principle is take a photo between 23 April and 1 May 2011 using a pinhole camera, and upload it to the world pinhole photography gallery. There are no prizes, just the satisfaction of being part of a worldwide photography project, and maybe even learning something along the way.

But (this is a good ‘but’, I promise) there are also workshops and classes and pinhole-related events taking place all over the world. You can learn how to make your own pinhole camera, or take better pinhole photos, or join a barbeque where people will be taking pinhole pictures. You never know, you might even meet the love of your life whilst carrying around a cardboard box that makes photos.

Still not inspired? Take a look at the previous years’ galleries.

Inspired now? Ah, you don’t don’t have a pinhole camera and there isn’t a make-your-own-pinhole-camera class taking place near you. No worries, I’ll point you in the direction of the most excellent Teaching a cardboard box to be a camera by the most excellent Katie Cooke. There! Sorted.

Lots more information is available from the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day website.

(Featured image: Ferentino, Piazza Matteotti by Antonio Corvaia.)