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The winners of our Patience is a virtue long exposure competition are...

It took some serious deliberation. There were a lot of emails between us. There was even the odd expletive. Finally, however, Haje, Tom, and I have selected our five favourite photos from the Photocritic Long Exposure Competition. In no particular order I present to you the winners of Patience is a Virtue:

Set Fire to the Rain by Cybjorg

Sunrise at Botany Bay, Edisto Island by Luke Robinson

Tower Bridge traffic by Nick Jackson

Blades of Light by Paul Shears

and Cairngorm Panorama by Ian Appleton

Many congratulations to the five of you! I shall be in contact presently to enable to you claim your Triggertrap gift card prizes!

We'd also like to say thank you to everyone who entered and made our lives a little bit tricky when it came to selecting a winner. As Haje said when we first sat down to draw up a shortlist of our favourites: 'There's some serious talent there!' Please do go look at the selection in the Flickr pool: there are some inspiring images.

News in brief: The Fujifilm guide to restoring water-damaged images

I’ve heard lots of people say that if there were a fire in their home, something that they’d try to rescue would be their photos. (I’d be quite interested in getting out alive, although I can see how old albums can be important.) But what about the opposite of fire? What about water damage? It might feel a bit hopeless if you find troves of images that are encrusted with mud or sand, stuck together, or just horribly water damaged, but you might be able to salvage them. And Fujifilm has the perfect guide to explain what you need to do.

Depending on the type of prints that you’re trying to salvage (silver halide, dye sublimation, dye-type inkjet, or pigment-type inkjet) and how they’ve been damaged, you’ll need to use different techniques. Whatever the print, though, you’ll need a very decent dose of patience and remember to dry them in the shade and don’t use anything like a hairdryer.

Everything that you need to know is over at Fujifilm.

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