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mere mortals

200 megapixels? You'd better believe it


Oh L-rdy! The clever people at Hasselblad have been thinking up clever ways to capture images using a 200 megapixel monster. Yeah, I had to read it several times before it sank in.

It relies on using a 50 megapixel sensor that takes six images and then calibrates them. Doing it this way, Hasselblad reckons that it’ll be more accurate than a single image from a 200 megapixel sensor.

Hasselblad are marketing this to museums and studios that shoot lots of lovely luxury products that mere mortals can’t afford. I’m imagining diamonds the size of golf balls and cars that travel at the speed of light.

They’ve a little more testing to go, but the plan is to insert the 200 megapixel mode into the HD4-50MS in early 2011. The camera will still be able to shoot in plain old boring 50 megapixel mode, too. And if you already own an HD4-50MS, you’ll be able to send it back to factory for an upgrade. For a fee, of course.

No, they’ve not released any prices at all.