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long time

10 scintillating shadows and silhouettes

Poolside shadow ii

Bad shadow can ruin a picture: you’ve obliterated what you were supposed to be looking at, or mysteriously zombified your subject. But sometimes, good shadow can make a picture, making it that bit more interesting. Other times, shadow is the picture. I’ve been taking a look around for shadowy and silhouette-comprised pictures that I think might be worth a second look. What do you think?

1 – Autumn Cycle

Autumn Cycle, by moriza (Mo Riza)

2 – World’s Favorite Sport

World's Favorite Sport, by vramak (Rama V)

3 – Shadow Rider

Shadow Rider, by lowjumpingfrog (John Norton)

4 – Dance When No One’s Watching

Dance When No One's Watching, by vramak (Rama V)

5 – Discovering her shadow!

Discovering her shadow!, by Just Taken Pics (Ste Elmore)

6 – pre-dawn silhouette

pre-dawn silhouette, by switchstyle

7 – Me and my shadow

Me and my shadow, by jronaldlee (James Lee)

8 – It takes a long time to grow young

It takes a long time to grow young, by nattu

9 – Love is…

Love is..., by lovelypetal

10 – Shadows

Shadows, by Xavi Talleda

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