life exhibition

Two exciting opportunities for young photographers from IdeasTap

The lovely people over at IdeasTap, a not-for-profit organisation that's in the business of giving young creative people a leg-up in their chosen field, has just announced two new projects that might be right up some young photographers' streets.

First up is a Bauhaus-inspired project. The Barbican in London will be hosting the Bauhaus: Art as Life exhibition from May this year, and they're looking for Bauhaus-inspired images to be turned into paper-based products, such as greetings cards and posters, for sale in the gift shop.

If you're UK-based and aged between 16 and 30 you can submit six images - all Bauhaus-inspired - to be considered for production by the panel of judges. The deadline is 17:00 on 16 February. More details are available on the IdeasTap website.

Next up is the opportunity to curate your very own anthology - a collection of whatever words and pictures that you feel deserve to see the light of day in a creative and inspiring way. Of course, they judges will be looking for something that's original and unusual. So this is a chance to let yourselves shine.

The deadline for this is much tighter - it's Wednesday 11 January - and you need to put together a brief for your idea with an editorial team of three people by then. If you're successful, you'll be given three months, professional mentoring, and £2,000 to make your idea into a pdf production.

Does this float your boat? Super! You and your editorial team need to be aged between 16 and 25. All the information is available here.

Gearing up for the Format Festival

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The superb Format Festival opens in Derby on Friday. The organisers have taken their lead from the whole ’2011 is the year of street photography’ thing and the show this year has been called Right Here, Right Now: Exposures from the public realm. Yep, it’s all about pictures taken in public places. From 4 March to 3 April, there’s a shed load of interesting photographic stuff going on in Derby and close by. Here are some of the highlights.

The In Public exhibition features the work of 20 photographers who have the ability to notice the unusual nestling amongst the everyday. It’s held at Derby Museum and Art Gallery and runs from 4 March to 17 April.

Mob FORMAT is an online gallery of images that have been submitted by the public. And they’re being exhibited very publicly, too: on the BBC Big Screen in Derby marketplace, no less! The images need to fall into one of six categories: Street noir; In the crowd; The decisive moment; When worlds collide; Street surreal; and Shoot from the hip. You can get more information on how to participate in it here.

The Lonely Ones by Gus Powell, from the 'In Public' exhibition

Two groups of teenagers, one from Derby and another from Kolkata got to experience life in each other’s cities. They took photos along the way. To have a look at life in a foreign city through the eyes of a young person, head to Derby Museum and Art Gallery from 4 March to 17 April for the Street Life exhibition.

Of all the learning activities that are taking place, the two that most caught my eye were the photo storytelling workshop on 5 March and Crazy Lenses on 19 March. (You can make a kaleidescope. Who wouldn’t want to have a go at that?) If neither of those appeal, though, take a look here. I’m sure you’ll find something to take your fancy.

And not forgetting the host of other exhibitions and events, such as seminars on the relationship between photography and these here intergoogles, and a session run by the picture people from the Guardian, which sounds very cool.

All the groovy details are on the Format website.

(Featured image from the Street Life exhibition.)