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10 resplendent reflections


I’m not entirely sure why, but I’ve always loved photos that make use of reflection. I could go all philosophical and say that it’s about capturing the image of the image, but I’ve never thought about it that deeply. Quite simply: they are the kinds of pictures that I find appealing and would happily hang on my walls. So when I was recently surfing the Flickr-webs, these are the reflective beauties that caught my eye.

1 – A Reflection of Hope

A Reflection of Hope, by ecotist

2 – City Refraction, City Reflection

City Refraction, City Reflection, by lrargerich (Luis Rargerich)

3 – Reflections

Reflections, by kevindooley (Kevin Dooley)

4 – Reflections of Glasgow (1)

Reflections of Glasgow (1), by Shuggie!! (Karl Williams)

5 – Reflection of Taj Mahal

Reflection of Taj Mahal, by Ze Eduardo (Jose Eduardo Silva)

6 – Shy Reflections – Snowy White Egret (aka Heron)

Shy Reflections, by Darvin Atkeson

7 – Eye Reflection

Eye Reflection, by PicturePurrfect685

8 – Glass reflection

Glass reflection, by mirellawognum (Mirella Wognum)

9 – Regent’s reflection #1

Regent's reflection #1, by Brian Negus

10 – another funky reflection

another funky reflection, by annpar (Ann P)

All photos used in this article are used as ‘fair dealing‘. If you have strong reservations against your photos appearing on Small Aperture, please contact us, and we’ll get them taken down. Please support the artists creating these photos by clicking on the photos to take a closer look at their work!