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birthday cake

November photo competition winner!

Champagne copy

Hello and welcome to the Small Aperture November photo competition awards ceremony. Please do help yourself to some birthday cake – it’s lemon, which is my favourite – and a glass of champagne or cup of tea. November’s theme was darkness, and there were some cracking entries. Haje and I had a tough time choosing a winner. After we’d narrowed it down to three contenders, there was a bit of back-and-forth to settle on an over-all victor. So well done and thank you to everyone who entered.

We’re delighted, however, to announce our winner:

Untitled, by Jonathan Horst.

Many congratulations to Jonathan. If you’d like to get in touch with me via email, I shall arrange for your prize to be sent to you!

Please do take a look at all the entries, which you can see here. And December’s theme will be announced very soon. We hope that you’ll enter that one, too!