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Steve McCurry: The Iconic Photographs


I don’t happen to be in the habit of splashing out £250 on coffee table books. Mostly it’s because if I had £250 to spare I’d probably spend it on something else, but, believe it or not, there are no coffee tables in the mansion either. (I should rectify that, I think.) However, if I did have a random £250 kicking around my bank account for a coffee table book (wouldn’t that be lovely?), then I could probably do a lot worse than put it towards Steve McCurry: The Iconic Photographs, which has just been published by Phaidon.

Procession of Nuns, Burma © Steve McCurry

The large-format book has a print run of 3,300 copies and each of those comes with a print signed by McCurry. Yes, it does feature the Afghan Girl, but there are 164 other photographs, too, photographs taken right across the globe that have that characteristic, arresting burst of colour and glimpse into another world. It’s an inspiring collection of McCurry’s images that spans his entire career.

Boy in mid-flight, India © Steve McCurry

If you’d like to know more, or perhaps just ogle it a bit more, head over to Phaidon’s website.