Quick update — Photocritic Photo School

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Quick update

Lack of updates

Sorry about the lack of updates recently, I’ve been mad busy with my day-job recently (excitingly, we just launched our version of BBC’s iPlayer, known as Demand Five, yesterday), and I’ve got an exciting extension to Photocritic which is coming up soon, so I’ve mostly been doing behind-the-scenes work.


Want to contribute an article?

If any of you fancy writing a guest article on Photocritic, you are more than welcome to – a bit more info on how that side of things works is available here.

Feeds updated!

Also, exciting news about the feeds: The other day, I had a complaint that my feed wasn’t full-text. Don’t ever let it be said that I don’t listen to you guys: I’ve enabled full-text feeds on my blog as per this morning. If you guys fancy putting the feed on your website, you’re more than welcome to

Back into music photography

Finally, this week, I did the first gig photography I’ve done in ages, and I was well excited. My photos, as per usual, are on 3 Songs. The galleries taken on Wednesday were Narration, New Adventures, The Ruling Class, and Silhouette - check ‘em out! Also, if you fancy learning more about gig photography, check out our series on concert photography – especially the introduction article ‘Concert Photography‘!

Bear with me while I get my ducks in a row – hopefully, I’ll be able to go back to semi-regular updates of Photocritic soon!

Do you enjoy a smattering of random photography links? Well, squire, I welcome thee to join me on Twitter -

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