Photocritic Greatest Hits — Photocritic Photo School

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Photocritic Greatest Hits


Hey all! First of all, a quick apology – I’ve been so busy with my day-job that I haven’t had time to update Photocritic nearly as often as I would like. Having said that, it’s practically 2 months since my last update, which is downright embarrassing. I’ll have look if I can’t come up with updates at a more reasonable interval.

If any of you fancy writing a few guest articles (quite a few people have done so in the past), get in touch!

Anyway, I know it’s a dirty little cop-out, but I thought I’d do a top 10 of Photocritic’s most popular articles – you know, just in case you’ve missed any of these gems, until I manage to pull my finger out, and do some actual updates. 

Photo: Skate-zo-phrenia by on Flickr


1 – Try nude photography was our introduction to nude photography – where do you find models, what do you have to think about, etc…

2 – Macro Photography on a Budget is my how-to guide on how to make a macro extension tube out of a Pringles can – it became phenomenally popular, and was one of the things that caused a publisher to notice me – it became the first step towards me writing a book on Macro Photography

3 – Photographing smoke was an interview with one of the guys who pioneered the technique which was vastly popular in 2007 – I wrote it up in a way that allowed everyone to have a go.

4 – Nude Photography avec Renoux was another interview, this time with Pascal Renoux, who is one of my favourite nude photographers.

5 – How to win a photography contest came out of me being the judge at a photography competition, and I started thinking about how I judged images, and what I felt strong photography is all about. Well worth a read, even if you have no intention whatsoever entering a competition.

6 – Creating a photography portfolio does just what it says on the tin, but it also muses on the different types of portfolios you may have to create

7 – Your Photos, 300-style is about the visual technique created in the film 300, and how you can recreate the effect in your own photographs. 300 became a rather popular film, and so did this write-up, obviously

8 – Concert Photography is something I’m passionate about, and I decided to try the be-all and end-all guide on the topic. I failed, but I since wrote several other guides – you can find them all tagged with the concert photography tag.

9 – High-speed photography is a bit of a surprise on this list, actually – I never realised it was such a popular topic. Then again, the results that come about through using HS photography techniques are rather stunning, so perhaps I shouldn’t have been so surprised.

10 – Create your own IR filter is a goofy little article – basically just a simple tip – but it could potentially save you quite a lot of money, if you’re not sure if IR photography is the thing for you.

Grolsch beer bottle
Photo: Grolsch beer bottle by, on Flickr

So there you have it – hope you like some of these articles!

Do you enjoy a smattering of random photography links? Well, squire, I welcome thee to join me on Twitter -

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