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Philip Bloom's laptop challenge


The lovely Philip Bloom has a super-powerful HP laptop up for grabs, going to the young and talented film-maker who rises to the challenge he’s just posted – in a video, of course – on his blog.

You need to be under 18 and you have to have a passion for film-making. More than that, you have to express your passion for film-making, and why you deserve to be the new owner of the HP EliteBook, in a video. Well, Philip is one of the leading dSLR film-makers, so what did you expect?

Entries need to be posted to the competition’s Vimeo group by 22 January 2011, after when they’ll be judged by Philip and a panel of, ehm, judges.

Want to know more? Watch Philip’s video.

Win a high powered HP laptop! from Philip Bloom extras on Vimeo.