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March Photo Winner Chitty-Chat

Joe's winning entry

As I’m sure you all know, loyal readers, April’s photo competition is well and truly under way. In an effort to inspire you, the Small Aperture team caught up with March’s photo competition winner Joe Russo, for a bit of a prattle and to give you a mini-insight into the person behind the photo. Here’s what our Joe (as I’m calling him now) had to say for himself.

  • Small Aperture: So Joe, tell us a little about yourself
  • Joe Russo: My name is Joe Russo, and I am an amateur photographer from Baltimore, Maryland. I started shooting about seven years ago, when an uncle gave me an old 35mm camera, and later a 35mm SLR.
  • SA: Who / where / what (when?) do you shoot? Any current projects?
  • JR: I am primarily a landscape/cityscape photographer and in the last year or so I have been working on my technique in panoramic images. Most of my photography takes place in and around the Baltimore area, with some travel photography mixed in here and there. For a long time, I’ve wanted to photograph the architecture in Europe, and this summer my wife and I are fortunate enough to be able to take a trip that will give me the opportunity to do that.

Joe's winning entry

  • SA: Onto the winning photo itself, then. Tell us how this shot came about.
  • JR: It was taken a few years ago in Clearwater Beach, Florida with an Olympus 35mm film camera. There was a pirate ship cruise that took tourists out on the Gulf and fired cannons, attracting a lot of attention. I was on the beach taking pictures of the sunset, and saw this as a great opportunity for a silhouette.
  • SA: Well we think it’s a beautiful shot. Thanks for chatting with us Joe.
  • JR: Thanks again for selecting my picture, it means a lot to me. Winning a photography contest is very motivating.

Remember, April’s competition is open for submissions now, so if you want to be as chuffed as our Joe here (and win one of your own pictures printed on glass, courtesy of Fracture) then check out this month’s theme and rules here. Good luck!