Inspiration: Philip at Lithium Picnic — Photocritic Photo School

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Inspiration: Philip at Lithium Picnic


Lithium-Picnic.jpgPhilip is one of the photographers I’ve been following for years and years. He is a tremendously good photographer, and he has been an inspiration to me for years.

I’ve mentioned him before, as part of our writeup on concert photography, as the guy is a fantastic concert photographer. That only deals with a tiny fraction of where his real skills lay, however… 


Philip’s amazing vision is multi-layered, and sexy as anything. I came across him first when I discovered his work on Suicide Girls (NSFW!) – see his portfolio gallery (NSFW) of SG work, but the guy has a lot more strings to his bow: His portraiture work is always well-balanced and inspiring, his fashion work is at times original, at times classic, but always of high quality (find the galleries from his main portfolio index).

Convinced he’s worth finding out more about? Thought so! Read the interview with Philip on Eros Zine, stalk him on MySpace or follow his LiveJournal. Check out his LITHIUM PICNIC page as well, of course.

Philip, if you stumble across this on your travels across the interweb – thanks for everything, man, and the best of luck in your future career :)

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