Inspiration: Go find something rusty — Photocritic Photo School

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Inspiration: Go find something rusty

rusty-2-copy.jpgAs you are all probably aware of by now (mostly because I just won’t shut up about it), I’m writing a book. Part of the whole process means that I’m taking a lot more photos than normally, and I am playing with some pretty nifty equipment while I’m at it.

Last week, I was in Holland for a couple of days, and was digging through an attic, where I found an old saw. A plain, boring wood-saw. I cut something in half (I was helping my mother doing some DIY), and then spotted tha the blade was quite rusty. ‘Hmm’, I thought, ‘This whole rust thing is actually quite nifty’. So I decided to try and take a couple of photos.  

Hereby presented to you… A rusty saw blade. I hope you are sufficiently inspired to go take pictures of rusty things, too. The colours are great, and no two rusty things are the same. And, well, it’s good fun!

If you get any particularly good shots, why not chuck them on your blog, on flickr, or whatever, and link to them in the comments?



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