DIY Digital Picture Frames — Photocritic Photo School

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DIY Digital Picture Frames


Photo frames are an easy way to add some gusto to your images. The future of this particular business, of course, is digital photography frames. You just upload some of your favourite photos to the frame, and then the frame cycles through the photos for you. If the frame is cleverly enough disguised and lit, it looks like a perfectly normal frame, with the only difference that the photo changes before your very eyes!  


They make for great gifts, and can look pretty damn smart in various installations too. But sadly, they’re often quite expensive. Understandably, you might wish to try and make your own. I decided to start researching the topic, and was surprised to find the Laptop to Digital Picture Frame page on Likelysoft. It’s got over a hundred projects explaining how you can convert your old laptop into a gorgeous photo frame. The articles cover software, how to build the frame itself, and presentation opportunities.

With the weather being so damn lousy at the moment (hey, I live in the UK, I should be used to it by now, right?), it makes sense to have a nice little home DIY project. So dig out your old laptop and get crackin’! :)

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