Challenge: Portraiture styles — Photocritic Photo School

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Challenge: Portraiture styles


Have you ever noticed how most photographers tend to develop a very specific photography style? It’s a great way to create a very distinctive appearance, of course, but it may also cause you to stagnate as a photographer.

Long-term reader of my blog Cristian Galletti posted a comment on my ‘loosen up your portraiture style‘ post a while ago, where he shows off how he manages to use half a dozen completely different photography styles. The quirk? Well, the photos are all of the same model.  


Check out 3 completely different shots here:




…If you want more, check out his website. A series of photos of the same model can be seen here: photo 1, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, photo 5 and photo 6. To get rid of the post-its over the top of the pictures, click the eye icon at the bottom-right of your screen. Finally, also make sure to check out the rest of Cristian’s website!

Amazing eh?

Challenge o clock!

My challenge to you, then: Do the same.

Use a single model, and create 4 very distinctive, completely different photographs. When successful, why not post a link to your efforts as a comment to this post? I’d love to see what you guys come up with!

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