It's time for another round of video photo critiques! This week, it's Pheasant Feathers Headdress by Greer Brooks.
So, check out the critique below, and if you want to have one of your own photos critiqued, check out this post!
Stay in touch on Twitter - find us on @Photocritic
When you hear the term 'high-res' thrown about with such abandon when it comes to images for web use, have you ever stopped to think just how big or how high quality and image meant for the web needs to be?
There's an assumption that high-contrast images are more dynamic, more compelling, more inviting. Have a go at some low-contrast photography. You might surprise yourself with the results.
Balance doesn't mean symmetry; it means an internal consistency and tension within your photos. And it's a vital element of composition.
Great photos might be down to a little bit of luck, but most of that 'luck' you make yourself. Don't believe us? Read on...
It's time for another round of video photo critiques! This week, it's Pheasant Feathers Headdress by Greer Brooks.
So, check out the critique below, and if you want to have one of your own photos critiqued, check out this post!
Peter's original image...
It's time for another round of video photo critiques! This week, it's Portrait by Peter Dahlgren. He has helpfully done a blog entry on the photo as well, to help you get a feel for how he's done it.
So, check out the critique below, and if you want to have one of your own photos critiqued, check out this post!
It's time for another round of video photo critiques! This week, it's Eagle, by Latrell Olner that's going on the proverbial chopping block.
So, check out the critique below, and if you want to have one of your own photos critiqued, check out this post!
Today's video critique is Biz Eating Apple, by DiaspirePhoto. Take a closer look at it on Flickr!
This is the third in my now-weekly series of video critiques. To see all (well... Both) critiques and to find out how to get your own critique, check out this post.
Well then, with that out of the way, let's get cracking on the critique:
Do you enjoy a smattering of random photography links? Well, squire, I welcome thee to join me on Twitter - Follow @Photocritic
© Kamps Consulting Ltd. This article is licenced for use on Pixiq only. Please do not reproduce wholly or in part without a license. More info.
Today's video critique is Gay Balloons, by Sam Levy - take a closer look at it on Flickr!
Sam's photo is the second video critique I've done, so let me know if this format works a little bit better. To see all (well... Both) critiques and to find out how to get your own critique, check out this post.
Well then, with that out of the way, let's get cracking on the critique (oh, and if you can't see it because you're looking at it in a RSS reader or similar, simply come to the original of the article here so you can see it!)
Pont de Bratislava, by Flickr user Equismo
Today, I wanted to try something a little bit different. Personally, I'm an enormous fan of photo critiques (that might explain my name on Twitter - @Photocritic), as I think they are a great tool to learn from your mistakes, and from those of others as well, obviously.
I wanted to see if video was a useful way of doing these critiques; so here's a first attempt!
The photo I've taken a closer look at is Pont de Bratislava, by Flickr user Equismo:
This whole video critique thing is completely new to me, and I'm not sure if I've got it right quite yet - so any feedback you may have would be warmly welcomed! Also, if you want to enter your photos to be considered for critique, please add them to the Flickr group!