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Capturing butterflies in flight

My friend Alexander James has been working on a cool project for a while, that I wanted to share with you guys: Photographing butterflies in flight.

screen_shot_2011_09_11_at_162601.jpg"My photographs are always presented ‘as-shot’ without cropping or post production either traditional or digital", Alex says, which immediately made me go back and take another look at the photos. No editing? How... But...

"The quality of the work and the purity of the process is paramount", he says, and explains that he works to distilling elements out of his images with the strong use of deep blacks. "I'm hoping to convey rich layers of meaning in what at first appear deceptively simple images", he explains. 

And as such, the project Distil Ennui became a realisty: Aimed "to extract the essence and beauty of life to appease world weariness".

I think we could all do with a little bit less of the world weariness - and a little bit more with the beauty of life.

Check out AJ's website, blog, and Twitter for more!
