Some of you have caught on to the fact that I’m sort of fond of this whole concert photography thing – and I’ve written about it at length here on Photocritic, and I’ve got a big(ish) portfolio of concert photos over on Flickr. One thing I’ve been meaning to do for a while, though, is to distill my photographs and what I know about concert photography into an article.
As I was working on said article, I realised that, well, what I’m working on isn’t an article at all. It’s a book. Which is fair enough, I thought, I’ll just create a book on it instead. So, I give you: Put another dime in the Jukebox: A guide to concert photography by yours truly.

Everything you never really cared to know about concert photography, neatly collected in one useful place!
It has a lot of pages (46, to be precise), a metric tonne of gorgeously high-resolution photographs (around 100, actually), and is riddled with tips, advice, ideas, and examples of how you can take the best possible music photos.
So, who is this book for?
Well, it’s part coffee-table book – full of glorious music photos. If you have no intention whatsoever to ever take a single concert photo, it might still be worth picking up a copy: this thing is hellapretty.
The book really comes to its own for people who want to try concert photography though: 100 photos offers plenty of inspiration, and the book offers info about the photos were taken… It’s got sections on equipment, how to gain access to the press pit, how to convert your photos to black and white, how to deal with poor lighting, and all that loveliness.
Sounds amazing, where can I get a copy?
I’ve created the book via Blurb, which means that it’s printed on demand – order a copy, and they’ll print it up and send it out to you.
The quality of the book is truly outstanding: printing quality is so good that you’d never know you hadn’t ordered it from Amazon (as you can still do with my book on macro photography – or, or from your local book shop.
To get your eager little paws on Put Another Dime in the Jukebox, reach for your credit card with one hand, and clicky here with the other (you ambidextrous wünderkind, you)… Enjoy!
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