An awesome 80 gigapixel (yes, that’s right, 80 billion pixels), 360 degree panorama of London has just been let loose on the intergoogles. The detail on this picture is so fine that you can zoom in close enough to be able to see papers lying on desks, through windows, and people picking their noses whilst they peruse Oxford Street. Astonishing. Google Street View, eat your heart out.

London panorama by Jeffrey Martin,
The panorama was shot by Jeffrey Martin from the top of the Centre Point building, on the corner of Oxford Street (possibly my most hated street in London, good only for John Lewis, Selfridges, and pickpockets) and Tottenham Court Road (electronics shop heaven). It took three days over the course of summer 2010, and uses 7886 photographs. If you printed this baby at normal resolution, it’d be 35 metres long and 17 metres tall (115 feet x 56 feet for you imperial types).

Inside view of an office, by Jeffrey Martin
Go take a look for yourself, but I warn you now, it is captivating. I think I’m just going to have to write-off my afternoon to oogling this masterpiece.
(Thank you, Graeme.)