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The Photocritic 10 book gift guide for last minute shopping

It's the night before the night before Christmas. Super-organised types will have all of their gifts wrapped and sitting beneath the tree; the presents will look resplendent and the givers will be looking relaxed. The less-organised types will be wondering what on earth they can possibly buy in the next 24 hours to make people ot think that they left it to very last minute. Or last day. A book is the obvious solution. It shows thought and you can run into Waterstones and buy one tomorrow. Depending on the type of photographer for whom you're buying, here are ten of the best photography books out there right now. We're shameless, we've included some of our own books in this list. But they're not all ours. Promise.


For the new camera-owner

This one is first on the list, because if someone is getting a new camera for the holidays, this is where they'll want to start. The Ilex Introduction to Photography, by Haje Jan Kamps


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For the dreamer

Or, how to recreate what's in your head, in a photograph. Surreal Photography: Creating the Impossible, by Daniela Bowker


Fashion Photography 101

For the fashionista

If anyone loves fashion and wants to get a foot on the fashion photography ladder, Lara Jade's book is the stepping-off point. Fashion Photography 101, by Lara Jade


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For the lightning rod

Photography is all about light; whether it's natural or artificial you need to be able to read it and manipulate it. Photo School: Light & Lighting, by Catherine Quinn


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For the maverick

Rules are meant to be broken. The Rules of Photography and When to Break Them, by Haje Jan Kamps


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For the selfie-fanatic

We could have put Haje's Shooting Yourself here, but we reckoned that you'd have it already! Creative Portrait Photography, by Natalie Dybisz


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For the street photographer

Street photography. Anyone can do it... but there's an art to getting it right. The New Street Photographer’s Manifesto, by Tanya Nagar


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For the tinkerer

From making your own clamps to having a go at free-lensing Creative Photography: 52 More Weekend Projects, by Chris Gatcum


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For the vista-lover

Landscapes, they're harder than they look 101 Top Tips for Digital Landscape Photography, by Carl Heilman II


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For the wanderer

Travel photography should leave you recalling the sights, sounds, and scents of your trips with every look, or letting your viewers feel as if they were right there with you. Here's your guide Focus on Travel Photography, by Haje Jan Kamps

These are just a few ideas. Get yourself down to a bookshop for even more ideas!
