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Arrests at Olympus

There's not masses to report here, but it would seem as if former Olympus chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, former Vice President Hisashi Mori, and former auditor Hideo Yamada have all been arrested by Japanese authorities for their parts in the scandal that has rocked Olympus. You know, the one where Olympus covered up huge losses with some very dodgy accounting, cost former Chief Exec Michael Woodford his job when he uncovered it, and resulted in Olympus' share price taking a monstrous tumble.

Whilst Kikukawa, Mori, and Yamada all left their jobs last year, the remainder of the old board is still in place and is currently being sued by Olympus. Yes, that does seem like a rather odd situation, doesn't it?

That's about it for the moment, but heaven only knows how the stock market will react to it.

(Headsup to The Online Photographer and the BBC)