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oriented package

Photoshop + Lightroom for £8.78 ($9.99) a month

Gosh, did Adobe have some kind of epiphany? Did it actually realise that many of its customers were vexed, peeved, and felt exploited by its move from stand-alone software to the subscription-only Creative Cloud for applications such as Photoshop? Heavens is might have! Earlier today at the Photoshop World conference in Las Vegas it was announced that Photoshop CS3 (or higher) owners wil be able to subscribe to a Photoshop + Lightroom bundle that includes access to Behance, 20GB of online storage, access to Creative Cloud Learn's training resources, and ongoing updates for a fee of £8.78 (or $9.99) a month. You'll need to sign up before 31 December 2013.

Adobe PS LR bundle

According to Winston Hendrickson's blog: 'Since introducing Photoshop CC, we’ve listened to feedback from a spectrum of our customers, from advanced professionals to casual enthusiasts. One common request was a solution specifically tailored for photographers. We listened, and at Photoshop World we’re announcing a special offer for our loyal Photoshop customers.' It might be a good deal and it most certainly is a photographically oriented package, but Adobe's Creative Cloud storm left many of its loyal users feeling embittered. Sometimes a 'Sorry, we got it wrong,' can help, too.

There are more details on Adobe's blog.