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Try before you buy: Rent glass!


rentglass.jpgA good way to get to grips with camera equipment is to go out and rent some. Here in the UK, I’ve found Calumet Photo to be an invaluable source of expensive glass on a temporary basis (they also have a presence in Germany, Holland, and the US), but I just stumbled across a brand new concept: On-line lens rental! 


It is such an obvious thing to do, but I guess it’s like Columbus’ egg – you have to think about it first. Of course, you can’t keep a good idea to yourself for very long, so when I started to look for it, I actually found two companies that do on-line camera equipment rental – One of them is Ziplens, and the other is the unimaginatively named RentGlass.

As far as I can tell, they both only cater for the US market, but hey – it’s a brilliant idea, and I bet it’s only a matter of time before the concept goes around the planet.

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