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Proud Camden

Wild Tales: an exhibition of images by Graham Nash

When you hear the name Graham Nash you'd be forgiven for your brain automatically leaping to The Hollies and He Ain't Heavy, He's my Brother, or jumping on the Marrakesh Express with Crosby, Stills and Nash. As singer/songwriters go, he's rather on the influential side. (He's managed to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame twice.) However, Nash owned a camera before owned a guitar and he's a bit of a photographer, too. Over the years he's amassed a portfolio of images that documents his life on the road and the people he's worked with along the way. To mark the release of his memoir, Wild Tales, an exhibition of his pictures and drawings, also called Wild Tales, is being held at the Proud Camden gallery in London.

'Joni Listening to Music, 1969 ' © Graham Nash

It gives you the opportunity to gaze at Joni Mitchell lost in a song, peer at Neil Young and he drives off into the distance after a recording session, and ponder his self-portraits.

'Neil Driving Home, Northern California, 1988' © Graham Nash

The exhibition is free to enter and runs from 9 to 20 October 2013 at Proud Camden, The Horse Hospital, Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, London, NW1 8AH.

(Featured image 'Graham Nash, Self Portrait, Plaza Hotel, 1974' © Graham Nash)