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Photography? Pah, this is CES!

Earlier today, we published our 2015 CES round-up, so yes, there was a lot of cool and interesting photography stuff launched at CES. But that's only part of the story. I've been to CES quite a few times now, and I can't help but notice that photography is starting to be less and less of a focus for the show. To wit: This year, like many years before, the PMA is hosting... well, in their own words, "Digital Imaging/Photography Exhibits and Sessions, presented by PMA, at 2015 International CES".

So, with that mouthful out of the way, you'd expect a well-curated set of stands on the show-floor, right? Booths that would inspire and delight a photography nerd like yours truly?

Well, if you thought that, you'd be wrong. In fact, on my first pass through the "Digital Imaging / Photography" exhibit at CES, I noticed that there wasn't a lot of, you know, photography going on at the booths. On my second pass though, I found myself shaking my head - and then I did the only thing I could think of doing; creating a photo réportage.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Digital Imaging / Photography booths at CES 2015...

Lane swerve warning systems and laser pointers
Lane swerve warning systems and laser pointers
Intelligent home butlers? (Yeah, I have no idea either)
Intelligent home butlers? (Yeah, I have no idea either)
Computer mice in all shapes and colours
Computer mice in all shapes and colours
Ok, there were a few selfie sticks too. Phew.
Ok, there were a few selfie sticks too. Phew.
Car speakers
Car speakers
Some sort of segway-type thing
Some sort of segway-type thing
Spectacularly dumb smart watches
Spectacularly dumb smart watches
Waterproof glass. As opposed to... non-waterproof glass, I suppose.
Waterproof glass. As opposed to... non-waterproof glass, I suppose.
Desk lamps and speakers with water in them (?!)
Desk lamps and speakers with water in them (?!)
Mini Hi-Fi systems (remember those from the 1990s?)
Mini Hi-Fi systems (remember those from the 1990s?)
USB charger adapters, in-car chargers, and power supplies. Not for cameras, though, that'd be too on-topic.
USB charger adapters, in-car chargers, and power supplies. Not for cameras, though, that'd be too on-topic.
Vaporizer cigarettes and bongs
Vaporizer cigarettes and bongs
'love her to protect her' phone cases.
'love her to protect her' phone cases.
Pain relief sandals
Pain relief sandals
Smart plugs
Smart plugs
All manner of headphones and earbuds
All manner of headphones and earbuds

So, er... What?!

Yeah, that was my take exactly. Of course, there were a couple of decent companies in the Digital Imaging / Photography bit (including my friends at Three Legged Thing), but here's the thing: I'm rather happy I didn't decide to have a booth at CES for my own company... At trade shows, you're at least partially judged by the company you keep - and would you buy photography equipment from a company wedged between vaporiser bongs and sandals that help your tennis elbow?
