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October photo competition winner!

Champagne copy

When I asked for photos of landmarks and monuments for October’s competition, and gave the Eiffel Tower, the Coliseum, the Brandenburg Gate, the Sydney Opera House as possible examples, I wasn’t quite expecting you guys to take me at my word. We had photos of three of those four ehm… monumental landmarks. But we were also treated to the Bodleian Library in Oxford, the Tanjore Big Temple in Tamil Nadu, India, and the Albert Memorial. Amongst others! So thank you. And thank you also to the super team at Fracture who are supplying a 12″ Fracture for the winner. The winner who is…

Sydney Opera House, by Nyami

Yeah, we went with the Sydney Opera House. Well done, Nyami! As Haje said, it was an angle he’s not seen before, and the subject was well-placed. Get in touch and we’ll sort out your prize!

Thanks everyone who entered. Haje and I really enjoy looking at what you submit and talking over our favourites. November’s competition will be announced shortly, just as soon as I’ve sorted a theme!