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Happy Holidays, everyone!

It's been a pretty intense month in my world the past month, and I think I've been working harder than I ever have before in my life. A large proportion of my time was gobbled up by Triggertrap (a full update about what's been happening on that front over the past month can be found on the Kickstarter site), and whatever I had left has been nibbled at by several exciting book projects I've been working on. There's three more books about photography in the pipeline, and it looks as if I may have some fiction in me as well, so that's all very exciting. tt_motion_0v5_brd.jpg

The fantastic Noah and Michael at NoMi design (the guys who have been absolutely insturmental in building and developing the Triggertrap) created me an awesome Christmas present: A motion sensor for the Triggertrap. You see that tab at the top? That's for hanging it from a Christmas tree, as a Christmas ornament!! How bloody geek-tastic is that...

Anyway; it all means that I haven't had as much time to post to Pixiq as I would have liked, but things look like they may be slowing down a little, so I'm going to take the rest of the year off, and I'll be back in full force in January.

In the meantime, if you're of the Christmas-celebrating type, I wish you a very happy one - and if not, have a fabulous rest of the year anyway.

Catch you on the flipside...

~ Haje
