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Tried the BJP iPad app? They've made a video to show you what you're missing

The British Journal of Photography has been around since 1854 and has evolved from a weekly to a monthly magazine with a website and a fairly-recently launched iPad app. The journal definitely works to keep itself relevant on all platforms so if you've not tried out the iPad app, they've just released a video to show you what you're missing. (Assuming that you have an iPad, of course.)

The BJP app brings readers the highlights of the monthly print editions, as well as iPad-extra features, photos, and multi-media content, every quarter. BJPOnline can be accessed from the app and there are the usual sharing options for articles. The moving image cover was created by Reed+Rader. Where the iPad app probably stands out the most, however, is in its ability to cover motion picture news and features in a way that a print magazine can't.

The shell app is free to download and there's an entire range of subscription options to meet your needs.