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Bigger gifts for the photographer in your life

Leica's M-Series and Magnum Photographer calendar

Earlier this week, I made a few suggestions for photography-inspired gifts that came in sub-£25 ($40) and would make ideal stocking-fillers or Chanukah treats for, well, people like us. But what if there's a bit more in the budget? How about gifts for photographers that come in between £25 ($40) and £100 ($150)? Never fear! I've been scouring the Intergoogles and wracking my brain and have the following suggestions.


I'm on of these scary people who manages to keep her calendar stored in her head. (And has an online one as a backup. Just in case.) But I don't think that I'd sniff at one of these limited edition calendars produced by Leica. The images have all been shot with M-series cameras by Magnum photographers. Gorgeous.

Leica M-Calendar 2012: €45 from the Leica shop


I wouldn't normally recommend buying a lens for someone without her or him being there to direct operations. They're far too personal things. But if you happen to know that your Canon or Nikon-using photographer-loved-one is 50mm prime-less, then drop everything right now and go buy one.

Canon 50mm f/1.8: £70 on Amazon UK; $105 on Amazon US
Nikon 50mm f/1.8: £95 on Amazon UK; $140 on Amazon US

Negative scanner

If you've suitcases of negatives stashed away in your attic and would love to be able to digitise them, then a scanner is what you need.

Veho USB deluxe negative scanner: £79.99 or $125 from Firebox

Remote camera trigger

If you've not already signed-up for a super-awesome Triggertrap - a universal camera trigger for time-lapses, that can be programmed to release your camera shutter when a doorbell rings, or can be used for high-speed photography (and heaps more beside) - then you really should.

Triggertrap: $125 from the Triggertrap store


There are a heap of tripods on the market that are excellent value for money, but if you're looking for a light-ish weight one, the Velbon 347GB is a good place to start. Already got a standard tripod? How about a go-anywhere Gorillapod? 

Velbon 347GB: £68 on Amazon UK; $125 from B&H
Gorillapod for a DSLR: £30 on Amazon UK; $35 on Amazon US

Vintage Camera Clock

I'm completely taken by these gorgeous clocks that have been handmade from recycled vintage cameras. As they're recycled, you won't know which camera you'll be getting, either. It all adds to the surprise.

Vintage Camera Clock: $99 from Uncommon Goods