Stay in touch on Twitter - find us on @Photocritic

We've been teaching photography for decades. Now it's your turn.

Through hundreds of workshops and dozens of books, we know what trips people up. We know how daunting it can be to pick up a new camera. And we know everything about teaching photography. 

We're so passionate about getting you from zero to hero that we're offering a complete 1-year photography course. Delivered over e-mail to your inbox every couple of weeks. 


All the Basics

Never really picked up a camera before? Not to worry, we have you covered. By the end of it, you'll know what all the knobs and levers do, and how to think like a photographer. 

Learning to See

Half the battle for a new photographer is to learn to really see your surroundings. Throughout the course, we'll help you see the world around you like you never have before 


Different styles

Once we've covered the basics we'll teach a load of different genres of photography, including travel, portraiture, product photography, and much, much more. 

Monkey in Antwerpen zoo. Aww. 

Monkey in Antwerpen zoo. Aww. 

All the basics

It doesn't matter if you've never really picked up a camera before - we have you covered! 

We're kicking off the course by teaching you all the basic things you need to know about photography and your camera.

Soon, you'll be boring your friends in the pub about shutter speeds, apertures, and ISO settings. You may even start brandishing phrases like 'focal length' and 'dynamic range' around. 

But seriously - you don't need to know anything at all. In fact, you don't even really need a camera to do the course. Sure, you'll get more out of it if you have an SLR or mirrorless camera, but if you only have a smartphone, we can still help!


Wide variety of genres

After we've taken care of the basics, we'll go in much greater depth to help you learn all sorts of types of more specialised photography. Among other things we'll be covering:

Macro photography - the art of photographing tiny things

Landscape photography - capturing gorgeous landscapes wherever you go

Portraiture - photographing people is one of the most important things of photography. And yes, that includes selfies; we all want to look good on Facebook!


Twenty-one lessons
Twenty-one assignments
Twenty-one pieces of feedback


You sign up; we send you emails; you complete the assignments; we mark your homework. That's the short version.

The longer version is that on the first Friday after you register for the Photocritic Photography School, you'll be sent your first lesson. Once you've read through the lesson, you'll be set an assignment. In the lesson email, there's a link to a Flickr page where you post your homework when you've completed it. We then provide feedback on your assignment: what works, what doesn't, and what you need to think about next. 

Learning to see the world around you as a photographer is important - it'll make the works you produce a thousand-fold better. 

Learning to see the world around you as a photographer is important - it'll make the works you produce a thousand-fold better. 

You'll be sent one lesson email every ten days. There are twenty-one lessons in total, and we reckon that by the end of the course you'll have an excellent grounding in both the technical, creative, and practical elements of photography.


We've been doing this photography lark for a while.


Team Photocritic is Haje Jan Kamps and Daniela Bowker. Between us, we've been taking photos for over fifty years, we've written a stack of books about taking photos, we've edited a small library's-worth more, and we've been teaching photography for well over a decade.



Haje Jan Kamps

Haje founded Photocritic way back in 2004. An inveterate geek and maker, he figured out how to make a macro lens with a Pringles can, hacked a lens cap to turn a dSLR into pinhole camera, and even founded his own company, Triggertrap, to bring remote camera releasing to the masses.

He's a qualified PADI divemaster, loves to ride motorcycles, and is always happy with a tub of ice-cream.

Website | @Haje on Twitter 


Daniela Bowker

Daniela started out her career as a history teacher, but slowly moved into writing and editing, whether about history, food, or photography. Sometimes she even managed to combine all three. If you're wondering: she first picked up a camera aged five. She hasn't looked back.

She has a mild shoe obsession, three chickens live in her garden, and allegedly she makes the best lasagne in the world.

@SmallAperture on Twitter

Are you ready to get started?

You made it this far down the page, so we're going to guess your answer is 'yes'. A very, very fine choice indeed! 

Let's get you started!